High Protein Pasta

Embrace an active and healthy lifestyle with our range of high protein pasta.

International Certification and Recognition

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vegan cert sammills
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Crossed Grain Certification SamMills

Legume Pasta

Enjoy the many benefits of legumes in the friendly form of tasty pasta.

International Certification and Recognition

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vegan cert sammills
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Crossed Grain Certification SamMills

Pasta D'Oro

Try a tasty alternative to classic pasta made from the best Romanian corn.

International Certification and Recognition

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vegan cert sammills
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Crossed Grain Certification SamMills


Try our milling products and fill your plate with a variety of subtle and inviting flavours.

International Certification and Recognition

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fresh healty pasta sammills s min

Why choose

Sam Mills Gluten Free Pasta

Simplicity often hides the most extraordinary details and creates space for all that is best. Such is Sam Mills pasta. With no gluten, additives, added salt or sugar, our pasta contains no more than two ingredients, carefully selected to offer you nutritious and tasty food you'll fully enjoy.

Sam Mills brings you an alternative to classic pasta that's just as tasty, so you can embrace a healthier lifestyle without compromise. Discover our gluten-free pasta selection and enjoy a nutritious meal with Sam Mills!

Sam Mills Product Range

High-Protein Pasta

The ideal choice for those who are physically active or want to increase their protein intake in their diet for a healthier lifestyle.

Legume Pasta

Recommended for those who want to enjoy the benefits of legumes in the form of traditional pasta for a nutritious meal.

Pasta D’Oro

A tasty alternative to wheat pasta suitable for the whole family, ideal for those with gluten intolerance or sensitivity.


Milling products for those who appreciate wheat and corn-based dishes and value high-quality ingredients.


The Flavour of a Healthy Pasta Meal

Fancy something tasty and healthy? We've prepared some delicious Sam Mills pasta recipe ideas for you. Make yourself a nourishing meal for your body and soul.

New Ways to Enjoy Healthy Pasta Sammills min

Pure and Simple, “Just Free”

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Vegan and Vegetarian

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No Additives

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GMO Free

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No Chemicals

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Lactose Free

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Soy Free

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Gluten Free



Your Portion of Inspiration

Protein Boost 4 1

Pentru atunci când vrei să faci o alegere sănătoasă! Pastele din leguminoase Sam Mills au un indice glicemic scăzut (Low GI).

Ce este indicele glicemic? Indicele glicemic (GI) este un sistem de clasificare a alimentelor pe...

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Protein Boost 4

Pasta shape really matters!

Te-ai întrebat vreodata de ce există atât de multe forme de paste? Ghidul perfect pentru...

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Protein Boost 4 1

Discover the new High Protein Pasta 4 Pack! The Ideal Choice for an Active Lifestyle

Un nou an aduce un nou început – o oportunitate de a-ți seta prioritățile și...

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Untitled design 90

How to Integrate Sam Mills Gluten-Free Pasta into Your Holiday Meals. Practical Ideas and Tips.

Pastele sunt un aliment versatil și iubit de toți, dar cum le poți include în...

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Untitled design 87

Legume pasta vs. gluten-free pasta vs. classic wheat pasta

Pastele sunt un aliment versatil, iubit în întreaga lume, dar diversitatea tipurilor disponibile pe piață...

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Untitled design 2024 11 11T160911.355

10 Reasons to Choose Legume pasta, gluten-Free

Pastele din leguminoase, cum ar fi cele din linte, năut sau mazăre, au devenit tot...

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Untitled design 66

How to cook gluten-free and additive-free pasta properly: The complete guide

Pastele Sam Mills - fără gluten și fără aditivi reprezintă o alegere excelentă pentru cei...

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Untitled design 95

High Protein Pasta by Sam Mills

Evenimentele actuale, cum ar fi pandemia de Covid 19, cerințele consumatorilor care se schimbă în...

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Untitled design 86

Gluten-Free Pasta by Sam Mills for a Healthier Lifestyle

La Sam Mills am ales să fim promotorii unui stil de viață mai sănătos, destinat...

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Protein Boost 4 1

Pentru atunci când vrei să faci o alegere sănătoasă! Pastele din leguminoase Sam Mills au un indice glicemic scăzut (Low GI).

Ce este indicele glicemic? Indicele glicemic (GI) este un sistem de clasificare a alimentelor pe...

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Protein Boost 4

Pasta shape really matters!

Te-ai întrebat vreodata de ce există atât de multe forme de paste? Ghidul perfect pentru...

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Protein Boost 4 1

Discover the new High Protein Pasta 4 Pack! The Ideal Choice for an Active Lifestyle

Un nou an aduce un nou început – o oportunitate de a-ți seta prioritățile și...

Read More

sammills home certifications 2 IFS Foods

Product certified for quality and food safety

IFS Foods is an internationally recognised standard for the quality and safety of food products and manufacturing processes that is applied to food producers. It sets criteria for the entire food supply chain, ensuring that producers meet strict requirements in terms of food safety, quality management and regulatory compliance.

sammills home certifications 1 BRCS

Product certified for quality and food safety

The BRC international standard attests to the quality, legal compliance and safety of food products by certifying HACCP systems, hygiene, quality management and manufacturing best practices. BRC certification is recognised worldwide and is often a requirement for the suppliers of major retailers. This certification demonstrates a dedication to providing safe and compliant products.

vegan cert sammills V-Label

Certified vegan and vegetarian product

V-Label is an internationally recognised European certification for labelling vegan and vegetarian products and services. V-label certification aligns with the growing demand for plant-based products, indicating that products do not contain animal ingredients, which makes them suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

sammills home certifications 3 OK Kosher

Kosher certified product

OK Kosher is an internationally recognised quality standard that certifies food safety, complying with Kosher regulations used in certain regions of the world. With OK Kosher certification, consumers are assured that the products they consume meet the strict requirements of Kosher dietary laws.

sammills home certifications 4 Beyond Celiac

Certified gluten-free product

Beyond Celiac certification is offered by the largest gluten-free association in the US and certifies the use of a gluten management system in the manufacturing process, resulting in a gluten-free product. This certification is particularly relevant for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, providing consumers with a safe gluten-free option.

Crossed Grain Certification SamMills Crossed Grain

Certified gluten-free product

Crossed Grain is an internationally recognised symbol certifying that strict gluten-free standards are met in the production process. The certification guarantees consumers that a processed product is gluten-free and can be safely consumed by people with coeliac disease or who need to follow a gluten-free diet for medical reasons.

sammills home certifications 6 Non-GMO

Produced without genetically modified organisms

NON-GMO is an international certification attesting that a food is produced without genetic engineering and its ingredients are not derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Non-GMO certification is important for consumers who are concerned about the potential health and environmental impact of genetically modified ingredients.